MOPIA’s 29th AGM

MOPIA’s 29th AGM will be held on April 26th at 5:30 PM. If you are interested in becoming a voting member or even nominated as a candidate for our Board of Directors, contact Mark at MOPIA.

2022 Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently published its latest scientific assessment on ozone depletion. This Executive Summary, was created by hundreds of world-renowned scientists from the NOAA and NASA. Other contributors included the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the World Meterological Organization (WMO) and the European Union (EU). Important topics in this assessment […]

MOPIA Welcomes New Staff!

We are excited to welcome a new addition to the MOPIA team! Alex Grislis is an Environmental Science student at the University of Manitoba that is passionate about conservation and protecting wildlife. She loves spending time with her friends, family and playing various sports. In her free time she enjoys spending time outdoors including traveling, […]

Latest IPPC Report

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published its latest climate change report. The IPCC was created by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization in 1988. The latest report was finalized in March, 2023, and is available here:

Upcoming Awareness Sessions

Plan to attend one of MOPIA’s outreach sessions. These sessions include regulatory and industry updates, proposed regulation amendments, the latest climate change information and enforcement dialogue. These events are free and include a complimentary breakfast or lunch typically lasting one hour. MOPIA will be in these upcoming locations: June 14 – Winnipeg (Cindy Klassen Rec […]

MOPIA’s 28th AGM

MOPIA’s 28th AGM is taking place on April 22nd at 12 p.m. We encourage all stakeholders to join us tomorrow virtually using the link below. We hope to see you there!

REAL Alternatives Webinar

REAL Alternatives – Refrigerant Emissions Alternatives and Leakage – blended learning for low GWP refrigerants Free webinar | Wednesday, March 2nd | 10 am – 1 pm (CET) In light of the F-gas regulation revision proposal that is expected in spring 2022, the REAL Alternatives Consortium is hosting an online event on 2nd March to […]

2022 SD Permit Renewals

2022 Company Secondary Distributors Permit renewals were sent out at the beginning of the month. SD Permits can be renewed online at, by phone at (204) 338-2222, or paid by cheque. SD Permits are required for any company purchasing regulated refrigerants, new or used HVAC or A/C equipment that contains a regulated refrigerant. Renew […]

MOPIA presents at 2021 MARR Forum!

This past Wednesday, MOPIA was invited to present at the 2021 Manitoba Association of Regional Recyclers (MARR) Manitoba Community Recycling & Waste Reduction Forum, on its involvement in climate protection and the recycling of white goods. The meeting forum covered a whole range of topics related to recycling and provided insight into the progress Manitoba […]

MOPIA’s 27th AGM – November 17th

Notice is hereby given, that the 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MOPIA will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on Wednesday, 17th November 2021 at 4:30 pm (1630 hrs) for the purpose of hearing reports, electing members to the Board of Directors, receiving the financial statements, consider Bylaw amendments and to conduct other business. […]