Consultation document: Review of the Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is undertaking a review of the Ozone-depletingSubstances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations (the Regulations), following ECCC’s regulatory stockreview plan. To read more please review the following PDF: The key targets for the review of the Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon AlternativesRegulations are outlined below:1.) Interested parties are welcome to […]
Unchecked climate change could render the Hudson Bay polar bears extinct by 2030s
The future of polar bears in northern Manitoba is in danger, if the temperatures continue to rise. They could go extinct as early as within the next decade, if the temperature agreements outlined in the Paris Climate Accord are not met soon. The rising of temperatures is creating longer period where there is no ice […]
Local Leadership Adaptation Initiative Offering $1 Million Dollars to Local Governments for Extreme Weather Protection
On June 3rd, The Canadian Press reported that the Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation Initiative will be offering up to $1 million to local governments to put towards projects that will help protect communities from extreme weather events. The $530 million initiative will fund more than 1,400 municipal activities. “Every dollar invested in adapting to […]
MOPIA’s 30th AGM!
MOPIA’s 30th AGM will be held on April 22nd (Earth Day!) at the Cindy Klassen Rec Centre at 5:15 PM. All stakeholders are invited and encouraged to attend. For those unable to attend, join us on teams: Meeting ID: 226 592 637 304 Passcode: CibLSU Agenda: Proxy Form: Nomination Form Meeting Notice: […]
MOPIA Attends MOP 35 in Kenya
MOPIA participated at the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol Meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya in late October. Some 27 decisions were adopted and attention was raised regarding the harmful effects of PFAS (forever) chemicals used in various refrigerants. MOPIA’s booth was a poplar venue for delegates to learn about our expertise. […]
Sustainable Food Cold Chains
Enough food is available annually for everyone on the planet, yet millions of people are starving all around the world. A lot of this can be blamed on food waste and loss. Around 14% of all food is lost before it even reaches a dinner table, and around 17% is wasted by the population. This […]
New research suggests that very short-lived substances responsible for 25% of the ozone depletion above the tropics
In the 1980’s researchers began to have a much greater understanding of the negative effects of everyday substances humans use and how they negatively affected the Ozone layer. In 1987 the Montreal Protocol was established to combat this. New recent studies however show that ozone depletion is still occurring over the tropics.One of the explanations […]
Canada Water Act Overhaul
Ottawa has pledged millions of dollars towards overhauling the Canada Water Act to establish a national freshwater protection agency. For more information, please visit
Montreal Protocol 2022 Assessment Report
The Technology and Economic Assessment Panel 2022 Assessment Report has now been published. This publication includes information on technical progress in the production and consumption sectors, status of banks and stocks of controlled substances, challenge facing all parties, the impact of the phase-out of controlled ozone-depleting substances. For more information please
MOPIA’s 2023 outreach sessions underway
MOPIA’s is starting our 2023 Program Awareness Sessions. These session include information on regulatory and industry updates, proposed regulation and climate change information and enforcement dialogue. If you are an A/C service technician, involved in HVAC and / or A/C part sales, instructor, S.D permit holder, R.M. or town administrator, or are simply interested, these […]