Provincial Certification Training

Become certified today!

Certification for Technicians

In Manitoba (and other provinces), you must be certified to purchase and/or handle (work-on) any new or used refrigeration, air conditioning parts, refrigerant or equipment attached to the closed refrigerant loop. You must complete one of the various training program options and MOPIA offers this for you.

Do it today via on-line or self-study or opt to take an in-classroom 1-day session.

For more information, call or email at: (204) 338-2222  or

Correspondence Training Kit

Take-home study kit
$ 225
Pickup Discounts Available
  • Hard copy training manual
  • Open book, send-in exam
  • Forms/record sheets included

Online Training Course

$ 195
60 Day Access
  • Interactive online portal
  • Open book, online exam
  • Downloadable forms/record sheets included

In Class Training

Next Date: TBA
$ 210
Per Person
  • Friendly/Knowledgeable Instructors
  • Closed book, in-class exam
  • Offered in June and July each year

Training Resources

National Code of Practice

National Code of Practice for automotive recyclers participating in the national vehicle recycling program

Federal Code of Practice for the Elimination of Fluorocarbon Emissions

The Federal Code of Practice is referenced in the certification training program. It is a useful instrument for good practices in various refrigeration and air conditioning sectors.

Manitoba Ozone Depleting Substances Act (MR 103/94 Act)

The objects of this Act are to prevent, reduce and eliminate, in Manitoba: (a) the release of ozone depleting substances into the atmosphere; and (b) any harm or injury that could be caused by substances or products that are made to be used, or are used, in place of ozone depleting substances.

Global Warming Potential (GWP) Values

The following table includes the 100-year time horizon global warming potentials (GWP)
relative to CO2.

For more information, please see the IPCC website (

A2L Training Resources

      GIZ Proklima Cool Training                                                   

      Originating from Germany

ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America                                     Originating from the United States          





      HC (A3) & HFO (A2L) – Low GWP Refrigerant Training                         Originating from Germany

                                                                                                                                          A2L Flammable Refrigerant Training – HRAI Canada

          Originating from Ontario, Canada