In the 1980’s researchers began to have a much greater understanding of the negative effects of everyday substances humans use and how they negatively affected the Ozone layer. In 1987 the Montreal Protocol was established to combat this.
New recent studies however show that ozone depletion is still occurring over the tropics.One of the explanations that has been accepted for this is that due to warm air flow blowing from the tropics which travels upwards towards the poles is causing the stratosphere to be left with a thinner ozone layer. New information however from researchers is suggesting that some gasses may also be part of the problem.
The gasses that are suspected of causing this damage are halogenated VSLS (very short lived substances). Researchers began testing with VSLS and the simulations that they ran were showing that they may be causing up to 25% of the damage done to the lower part of the ozone layer over the tropics for the last 20 years. The reason that the VSLS are able to do this is that the strong upward winds caused the substances to travel. The conclusion that they came to is that VSLS should be added to the list of banned substances

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